Friday, April 23, 2010

Gila River Trip 2010 #2

The river trip was a huge success. They had so much fun. The weather was a little cloudy and it rained on them some, but didn't dampen their spirits. Bye ya'll!!! Have a great trip. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I don't think he's worrying about me too much.Nick & Tawnya
(they're not worrying either, and i have their children)

They met this guy on the drive out from Turkey Creek on their way home.
Trip Stats:
This was on the Gila River which is located in the Gila Wilderness.
It is north of Silver City, NM. USA.
The trip was about 45 miles along the river.

1 comment:

Mum-me said...

What an adventure! Sounds like run, but I'm happy to just read about it.

(By the way, a 'spitfire' is a caterpillar with spiky 'fur' all over it's body. When it feels threatened it raises it's 'spikes' and excretes/spits a poison from them which is painful/hot/itchy.)