Sunday, March 1, 2009


Once upon a time there lived a dragon and his name was Klumpy. He was purple with orange polka dots and he lived high up on a mountain in a cave. But Klumpy was a nice dragon and his best friend was a little girl named Tracey. They were the bestest of friends and they did everything together. One day he went down to Tracey's house and...

This is how the story of Klumpy starts. The stories started when Tracey was small and she asked me to tell her a story one night when I was tucking her into bed. So Klumpy was born...

The stories usually center around something that Tracey had done that day. She loved hearing her name in the stories with Klumpy, she would giggle everytime she heard her name. As she's gotten older her requests for the Klumpy stories are only occasional, but they still remain our special stories.


Tiffany said...

OK cute.... I love those kind of memories! They are the best!!

PBJ said...

That is so cool I had a wiggles. It was a worm made of yarn those pompom worms. So I loved this.