Thursday, May 20, 2010

I heart Pioneer Woman

Ya'll know I don't cook.

The thought of having to cook really sends cold shivers up my spine and causes me to freeze in terror.

Despite this terror, I love reading cookbooks and looking at the pictures. I love watching Food Network and I'm a total Rachael Ray junkie.

But once in a blue moon I get a wild hair to cook something. It usually is met with mixed reactions from my family. Aaron gets scared- cuz he's really picky and I like cooking new and odd things. Tracey enjoys it- she gets to eat something new and fun. The little ones- well, mixed reactions from them.

Last night I ventured into the unknown and made Pioneer Woman's Grilled Pineapple Chicken Quesadillas.

I won't tell you how many times I ran to check her website to make sure I was doing it right. I love her step-by-step recipes with pictures. Almost makes them idiot proof. Almost.

The quesadillas were a success. Success is determined by the percentage of my family who actually consumes my food.

Last night= 100%

Hooray for me!

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